Watch X-Men: Days of Future Past 2014 HD Quality
Watch X-Men: Days of Future Past 2014 HD Quality


Watch X-Men: Days of Future Past 2014 HD Quality

X-Men: Days of Future past taken the approach to the comic book movie franchise and it's not something you see very often. This film does not operate well, especially as a standalone story, but when taken in the context of how it changes, tweaks and nods to all the previous X-Films, the question of how active the X-Men in the future of their own to bring to the production and execution of the film.

Days of Future Past was split right in the middle, wise planning. We bookend to the original cast of X-Men Trilogy in a dystopian future where mutants are hunted and killed by the super-advanced robots called Sentinels. The Sentinel was created by a man named Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage) in the early 1970s, but after the murder Trask in 1973 by "terrorists mutant" Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence), research Trask given proper funding and access to detainees mutant, allowing mutant-hater to reverse engineer his disguise, apply them to the future of the guards and make them unstoppable. As the war turned against the future of mutant kind, lively group of X-Men, half recognizable characters, half of new more powerful but mostly mute character, decided to try and prevent future with Hugh Jackman Wolverine throw back to the 70s to prevent this Trask murder.

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In the 70s, things have slid downhill fast since the Cuban Missile Crisis ended X-Men: First Class. Professor Xavier (James McAvoy here) has become an addict to save the use of his legs to trade for her mutant mental powers. Beast (Nicholas Hoult) has also found a way to curb the power so that animals can operate more like the Hulk and just turn blue when he was angry. Mystique was in Vietnam, saving mutants have been sent there to fight and learn that Trask had illegally experimented on a forgotten character from the First Class. Magneto (Michael Fassbender in this period) imprisoned in a plastic cell under the Pentagon.

Wolverine will be sent his mind back to the past and he had to convince Xavier to recruit Quicksilver (Evan Peters) to exit stop Magneto and Mystique together, as the interpersonal conflicts among the three ended First Class has not grown at all in many years we did not could see.

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Everyone is sad in the past and they are sad for the same reason they are sad at the end of the First Class. This film existing dumps can also be applied to new players. Wolverine does not get much to do beyond the pioneer in screen-Traumatic Stress Disorder Pre, but the character does not get emotional development beyond what has been done in the last year of The Wolverine. Jackman mostly there to give pep talks to the characters through reference previous X-Men films. Remember when Hugh Jackman was in First Class for 5 seconds? Even that would be raised.

The film is dependent on the other films in the franchise to set the stakes for each character. Dark future of the X-Men make a whole life or death situation, so no need to explain how Xavier around the body of Jean Grey in X3 destroyed. The X-Men in the past have a mission, but they never assemble a larger team than the trio and there was not enough time to provide Fassbender and McAvoy plenty of scenery to chew, so a lot of the X-Men movie falls flat.

The double climax director Bryan Singer back cuts between the end of the film is a thrilling, sure, and it was nice to see and the X-Men fight for their lives teams use their powers fully, the problem is that most of them are new characters. Halle Berry storm did not do anything cooler than floating and Ian McKellen who has nothing good Magneto, Fassbender makes his commitment to the peak of the movie plot confusing Magneto.

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This film has been compiled and produced for the last 20 minutes: denouements double to two stories that we never invested in. What is Wolverine when he returned to see the future is all about apology and consequences and it feels like there is a half to show people what characters will be returning cast for X-Men: Apocalypse and a half to make Brett Ratner cry. What happens in the aftermath of the attack Sentinel in the past has left our characters in the exact same place they were at the end of First Class, but now they know about Wolverine, but it was Wolverine without his adamantium skeleton first.